

Monday, March 1, 2010

More than you ever wanted to know about Amber

This edition of my ongoing blog series about gem and mineral fact, fiction and lore features amber.

Amber is solidified, petrified sap.
The name is derived from Arabic. Succinite is from the Latin succus, meaning "juice". The ancient Greeks called it elektron. They were the first to record information about amber's "electrical" properties. (eg. If it is rubbed with a piece of silk, it will attract dust and ashes.)

Amber comes in a variety of colors including yellow, brown , whitish-yellow and cream. It often darkens with age to a rich red-brown color.

"Amber was one of the first substances used by man for decoration, and it was also employed at a very early period for amulets and for medicinal purposes. More or less shapeless pieces of rough amber, marked with circular depressions, have been found in Prussia, Schleswig-Holstein, and Denmark, in deposits of the Stone Age." 1

Amber is thought to provide mental stimulation. It enhances love, friendliness, patience, and strength. Used to balance aggressive traits and brings about harmony and peace.

Because amber is often included with insects and small animals, it has been thought to contain the essence of life.

"Amber worn in beads about the neck or wrist was regarded a cure for sore throat and ague, and a preventive of insanity, asthma, dropsy, toothache, and deafness." 2

A rejuvenator, amber is thought to improve eyesight by gazing into it. "Amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy into positive energy." 3

Amber is also a protective and enhancement stone for Wiccans and Shamans.

1) George Frederick Kunz "The curious lore of precious stones"
2) Oliver Cummings Farrington "Gems And Gem Minerals (1903)" pg. 58
3) A. Melody "Love is in the Earth- A Kaleidoscope of Crystals - The Reference Book Describing the Metaphysical Properties of the Mineral Kingdom" pg. 45