

Thursday, February 18, 2010

More than you ever wanted to know about AGATE

This addition on my ongoing series of blog posts about gem and mineral fact, fiction and lore features agate.

Agate, a form of chalcedony, is an excellent gem material because of its many colors, patterns, hardness and ability to take a brilliant polish. Agate is named after the Achates River in Sicily, now known as the Drillo River, which remains a major source of this gemstone.

Agate was valued by ancient civilizations back to the beginnings of time; the Egyptians are known to have used it before 3,000 BC. It has been found amongst the artifacts of Stone Age man in France (20,000 - 16,000 BC).

". . . Agates were the foundation of a German stonecutting and polishing industry which flourished form the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries, and which still exists today."1


In general agates are considered to be protection and good luck stones.

  • Banded Agate: Promotes strength of body and will. Bolsters one in times of stress.
  • Botswana Agate: Increases sexual power. Helps with emotional understanding. Said to strengthen the auto-immune system. Sometimes used to ease the pain of loneliness.
  • Blue Lace Agate: Peace, happiness and harmony. Inspires hope and optimism. Calms the emotions and eases mental distraction.
  • Mexican Lace Agate: Said to lift depression and strengthen your attitude.
  • White Lace Agate: Elevates your thoughts and increases friendliness and happiness.
  • Moss Agate: Eases emotional pain and anxiety to bring peace of mind.
  • Moss agate aids creativity, confidence and strength. Farmers use it as a talisman to ensure a bountiful crop as it connects one with the earth and helps us communicate with animals, plants and all of nature.
  • Iris Agate: Brings us to a new level of awareness about physical pleasure and our world. Fosters truth, honor, joy, and physical well being.
  • Fern Agate: A communication aide. Helps to improve our awareness of the mystical world of nature.
  • Fire Agate: Associated with courage and enthusiasm, fire agate can help one in overcoming timidity to become more self assertive and expressive.
  • Plume Agate: Said to improve imagination and creative visualization. Aids you in keeping focused towards achieving your goals; thus making it a good stone for job-hunting.
  • Dendritic Agate: In addition to general protection this form of agate is also associated with safe travel, and is thought to prevent accidents due to tiredness. Stimulates tranquility.
  • Red Agate is known as Carnelian. Carnelian is a stone of good luck. Mohammad, Napoleon I and Napoleon III wore carnelian. It is said to help asthma, and blood pressure.
In the eleventh century Marbodus, Bishop of Rennes, said that agates make the wearers agreeable and persuasive and also give them the favor of God.

"The agate possessed some wonderful virtues, for its wearer was guarded from all dangers, was enabled to vanquish all terrestrial obstacles and was endowed with a bold heart . . ." 2

Agate "stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect which acts to smooth dysfunctional energies and to both transform and eliminate negativity. It further assists one in the development of precision in the examination of oneself and of circumstances relevant to ones well-being." 3

"In certain parts of England, farmers still take an agate with a naturally bored hole through it and hang it on a nail over the door to the barn or stable. This is said to stop evil spirits from riding the cows and horses at night, and keep thunder and lightning from souring the milk." 4

"Pliny's writings are the source of many of the attributes which are given to agate. He recounts in his writings the beliefs which existed in first century Rome; looking an an agate rests the eyes, and an agate held in the mouth will quench the most desperate thirst." 5

1) Naisha Ahsian "The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach " pg. 6

2) George Frederick Kunz "The curious Lore of Precious Stones"

3) A. Melody "Love is in the Earth- A Kaleidoscope of Crystals" pg.27

4) D.J. Conway "Crystal Enchantments: A Complete Guide to Stones and Their Magical Properties" pg. 23

5) Bruce G. Knuth "Gems in Myth Legend and Lore" pg. 19

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